
South Pomfret, Vermont
802 457-3500
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education enthusiast

Karen Rodis

Arts Programming Coordinator
Karen holds a Doctorate in Education from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Karen loves working with creative and inspiring people in her role as coordinator for ArtisTree’s adult and children’s programming.

Having taught in New England public schools for nearly two decades, Karen brings her experience and expertise to ArtisTree.  Originally from New York, Karen received her B.A. in art history and anthropology from Hartwick College.  She earned her M.A. in anthropology and M.Ed. from UMass, Amherst.  A lifelong learner, Karen has training in visual arts, music, movement, theatre arts, linguistics, and world language education. 

Karen collaboratively designs programming both on- and off-campus and provides support and resources for instructors.  She is passionate about arts integration in schools.

An artist and coffee enthusiast, Karen lives with her menagerie on a lovely mountain in Vermont.

To reach Karen directly email