
South Pomfret, Vermont
802 457-3500
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Tuesdays 6-8:30pm

Figure Drawing

Enjoy a convivial studio among the company of fellow artists and practice your life drawing skills in this monitored group drawing session.

ages: Adults

Life drawing is often thought of as one of the basic skills of an artist. Life drawing is the term used to describe drawing the human body – from life (as opposed to from a photograph) using your own skills in observation.  Open to individuals of all levels of experience, the figure drawing program features weekly monitored life drawing sessions.  Though without formal instruction, the sessions usually develop natural discussions of technique and materials into which all are welcome to participate. The poses will be timed, with an emphasis on longer poses.

Session Schedule Register
Fall Session

Tuesdays, 6-8:30pm

Ongoing through November 28
Monitored by ArtisTree Staff/Volunteers
per class. Donations appreciated.